Yoga Practice May Buffer the Deleterious Effects of Abuse on Women's Self-Concept and Dysfunctional Coping

Women who experienced abuse as children or adults can suffer from symptoms such as dissociations, physiological regulation difï¬Âculties, and mood disturbances that might not respond to traditional interventions. Given the beneï¬Âts of yoga, we hypothesized that yoga practice would ameliorate the negative impact of abuse on psychological functioning. Our ï¬Ândings suggest that frequent yoga practice might ameliorate the negative impact of abuse history on self-concept and coping skills. In addition, our ï¬Ândings suggest that women who incorporate yoga into other areas of life could get the greatest psychological beneï¬Âts. Given the preliminary nature of this study, further research into the beneï¬Âts of yoga on women who have child or adult abuse histories is warranted.
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