What is the pulse and how do I check it?


Pulse’ is one of the most well-known medical terms. It is widely familiar as a measure of the heartbeat. The pulse is a crucial measure of the heart rate. An extremely slow pulse combined with dizziness can indicate shock and help identify internal bleeding. A pulse that is too quick, on the other hand, points to high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. With practice, it is easy to take your own pulse and those of other people.

But what is the pulse, why is it important, and what is the best way to find and measure the pulse? This article gives straightforward guidance.

Fast facts on checking your pulse:

  • As the heart pumps, the arteries expand and contract. This is the pulse.
  • The pulse is easiest to find on the wrist or neck.
  • A healthy pulse is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm).

Arteries run closely to the surface of the skin at the wrist and neck, making the pulse particularly easy to find at these points.

What is the pulse?

The pulse is the expansion of the arteries. This expansion is caused by an increase in blood pressure pushing against the elastic walls of the arteries each time the heart beats. These expansions rise and fall in time with the heart as it pumps the blood and then rests as it refills. The pulsations are felt at certain points on the body where larger arteries run closer to the skin.

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Katherine Gray
Editorial Coordinator
Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis
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Email: diagnostech@pathologyinsights.org