Waardenburg syndrome.
Waardenburg syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by at least some degree of congenital hearing impairment and defects in pigmentation that can include bright blue eyes (or one blue eye and one brown eye), white forelock, or light skin patches. The syndrome is caused by mutations in some of several genes that influence neural crest cell division and migration during embryonic development (although some of the genes involved also influence the neural tube). Waardenburg's syndrome has several different forms with some symptom variations, and symptoms can vary among those of the same form. The two common characteristics in all forms of Waardenburg syndrome are some degree of congenital sensorineural hearing impairment, and some degree of defects in pigmentation, most commonly in the eye. Share your comments on topic Email us: clingenom@peerreviewedjournal.org Submit your submission through direct online link: https://www.scitechnol.com/submission/ For more information visit our website: https://www.scitechnol.com/ We accept more than one paper for one author you can also go for membership.