Vector Biology Journal

Vector Biology Journal
Vector biology is an open access journal which is aimed to provide a common platform to the global research community, Academicians, individuals that work on public health issues related to vector born diseases, pathophysiology.
Vector biology journal publishes articles of different types including research, review, case reports, short communications etc bi-annually .Journal furnishes rigorous peer review where the submitted article is reviewed by an editor and at least two potential reviewers. The article will be published within 7days after acceptance from reviewers and editors.
The special feature of the journal is, the author is given a manuscript number through which the author can track the status of the submitted article.
The journal is guided by 15 eminent editors and successfully published 3volumes and is approved by UGC.
The journal is going to release 2020 issue and is inviting researchers to associate and publish with the journal
Editorial assistant,
Vector biology journal