Two resolutions of the margin loan pricing puzzle


This paper supplies two possible resolutions of Fortune’s (2000) margin-loan pricing puzzle. Fortune (2000) noted that the margin loan interest rates charged by stock brokers are very high in relation to the actual (low) credit risk and the cost of funds. If we live in the Black–Scholes world, the brokers are presumably making arbitrage profits by shorting dynamically precise amounts of their clients’ portfolios. First, we extend Fortune’s (2000) application of Merton’s (1974) no-arbitrage approach to allow for brokers that can only revise their hedges finitely many times during the term of the loan. We show that extremely small differences in the revision frequency can easily explain the observed variation in margin loan pricing. In fact, four additional revisions per three-day period serve to explain all of the currently observed heterogeneity. Second, we study monopolistic (or oligopolistic) margin loan pricing by brokers whose clients are continuous-time Kelly gamblers. The broker solves a general stochastic control problem that yields simple and pleasant formulas for the optimal interest rate and the net interest margin. If the author owned a brokerage, he would charge an interest rate of where r is the cost of funds, ν is the compound-annual growth rate of the S&P 500 index, and σ is the volatility.

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