Transplantation and Medical Surgery
Transplantation has been a boon for patients (like infants, children, middle aged, aged, etc.) who suffer with various types cancers to lead a health life. Every day on an average 20 people die around the globe. One deceased donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation and can save and enhance more than 100 lives through the lifesaving and healing gift of tissue donation. Organs that can be donated after death are the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and small intestines. Tissues include corneas, skin, veins, heart valves, tendons, ligaments and bones. A healthy person can become a 'living donor' by donating a kidney, or a part of the liver, lung, intestine, blood or bone marrow. Organ disease is a massive public health issue, and organ transplantation can be a lifesaving treatment option. About 6,000 living donations occur each year. One in four donors were not biologically related to the recipient. Liver and kidney disease kills over 120,000 each year, more people than Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, or prostate cancer. The cornea is the most commonly transplanted tissue. More than 40,000 corneal transplants take place each year in the United States. 1 in 9 or 26 million Americans have kidney disease – and most don’t even know it.
What could be the root cause for this huge number of corneal disorders and kidney disease in Americans? What are the complications occur in a transplantation procedure? What are the preventive measures to be followed? etc.
Are you the one amongst the research community or the one amongst the medical professionals dealing with this?
Then we would be glad to have your valuable write-ups providing the information about the above mentioned questions. Your submission would be helpful for the readers in maintaining their health as well as the solution to their medical complications.
Thus in this context, with the support and guidance of the esteemed Editorial Board, the Journal office has decided to carry out the rapid publication process with a single blinded Peer Review process of the submissions received, in order to make the information reach the readers quickly.
Therefore, your effort to provide the readers with quality information by your valuable submissions would be highly appreciated. Manuscripts can be submitted at or as an email attachment to at your earliest possible by on or before 15 May 2020.
Hope you will co-operate us for this benevolent approach.