The Importance of Internships: Ensuring Informatics Students’ Future Success


The Importance of Internships: Ensuring Informatics Students’ Future Success

Journal of Health Informatics & Management is a scholarly peer-reviewed, academic journal that publishes original research articles undergoing peer review process with the help of experts in the field of Health Informatics.

With so many people looking towards furthering their education and with all of the demands the recent federal mandates for healthcare information technology (HIT) have put on the field of informatics, the need for educated and knowledgeable staff for HIT projects is critical. With the emergence and recent popularity of graduate

education in healthcare informatics, we see an influx of potential students entering these programs who may not have the clinical or information technology backgrounds. Some have even reported challenges after obtaining their master’s degree and getting hired ‘without experience’. These individuals have a great desire to work in informatics and recognize the enormous impact the field they can have on healthcare but they lack the hands on experience that some employers are looking for.

So, the question is‐ how do we prepare these individuals and give them the tools and experiences they need to succeed? The answer likely lies in internships.

Over the past several years, the graduate program for which I am the director, has engaged a growing number of partners from health systems/hospitals to serve as internship sites for our students. While the on boarding process for these sites and students can sometimes feel arduous, the end results are well worth the time and effort towards providing an excellent experience for graduating students.

Kindly ensure to submit your contributions by 27th February, 2020 in order to enable us process the article for publication in the current year itself. Submissions after the due date are considered for the next issue.

A standard editorial manager system is utilized for manuscript submission, review, editorial processing and tracking which can be securely accessed by the authors, reviewers and editors for monitoring and tracking the article processing. Manuscripts can be uploaded online at Editorial Tracking System or as an email attachment to

With Best Regards,
Andrew James
Journal of Defense Studies and Resource Management