The Graphene MachZehnder Modulator Based on Sandwiched Structure
An optical modulator is a device which is used to modulate a beam of light. The beam may be carried over free space, or propagated through an optical waveguide. Optical modulators featuring compact size, high modulation speed, large modulation depth and low energy consumption are much appreciated in the application of optical devices.
Based on the modulation mechanisms, modulators can be classified into phase, absorption and polarized modulators which are usually made of silicon materials. the electro-optic effects are too weak in silicon, conventional modulators are usually limited by a narrow operation bandwidth, a relatively low transmission speed and a large footprint, which makes it impossible to be integrated on chip. To overcome those limitations, graphene-based modulators have been intensively investigated due to its unprecedented properties such as enhanced interaction with light, high carrier mobility and gate-controllable conductivity.
We have proposed a Mach-Zehnder modulator with greatly enhanced modulation ability by inserting bi-layer graphene inside the silicon waveguide. The major advantages of the proposed modulator include the small footprint (35 μm2) and high extinction ratio (31 dB). All of these advantages may promote applications for optical interconnects and optical integrated circuits in the future.
A Mach-Zehnder modulator is used for controlling the amplitude of an optical wave. The input waveguide is split up into two waveguide interferometer arms. If a voltage is applied across one of the arms, a phase shift is induced for the wave passing through that arm.
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Ann Jose
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Research Journal of Optics and Photonics