The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage Source Inverters in Past, Present and Future Power Electronics


The Journal focuses on Multi level systems and Modulation. A multilevel system is a groundwater instrument, which allows the monitoring of a number of discrete groundwater zones within a single borehole. The system typically consists of seals and ports, which are placed at varying depths along a casing string, effectively isolating and providing access to each monitoring interval. Modulation is the process of converting data into radio waves by adding information to an electronic or optical carrier signal. A carrier signal is one with a steady waveform of constant height, or amplitude, and frequency. Information can be added to the carrier by varying its amplitude, frequency, phase, polarization for optical signals and even quantum-level phenomena like spin.

The cost reduction of power electronic devices, the increase in their reliability, efficiency and power capability, lower development times, together with more demanding application requirements, have driven the development of several new inverter topologies recently introduced in industry, particularly medium voltage converters. New more complex inverter topologies and new application fields come along with additional control challenges, such as: voltage imbalances, power quality issues, higher efficiency needs and fault tolerant operation, which necessarily requires the parallel development of modulation schemes. Therefore, recently there have been significant advances in the field of modulation of dc/ac converters, which conceptually has been dominated during the last several decades almost exclusively by classic pulse width modulation methods. This paper aims to concentrate and discuss the latest developments on this exciting technology, to provide insight on where the state-of-the-art stands today, and analyze the trends and challenges driving its future.

Best Regards,
Editorial Manager

Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications