Submissions of manuscripts for Biomaterials and Medical Applications


On behalf of the Biomaterials and Medical Applications the editor of Journal of Biomaterials and Medical Applications is overwhelmed by the response and eagerness of the academic and research contributors to publish with the journal and take part in the year-long celebrations.

Biomaterials can be categorized into biological systems for a medical purpose - either a therapeutic (treat, augment, repair or replace a tissue function of the body) or a diagnostic.

Biomaterials & Medical Applications mainly focuses on all the key areas of Biomaterials Engineering to clinical practice and medical technologies. The scope of the Journal encompasses the study of Biomaterials: Synthesis & Characterization, types of materials used in Medicine and the development of Biomaterials for Medical applications.

It gives us great pleasure to read the eminent researches like you all your recent publications which had a great impact on its readers. We believe that your future work will be equally influencing. Hence, on behalf of our Journal, we take the privilege of welcoming you to share any of your current research for publication in upcoming (Volume 4 Issue 1) of the Journal.

The Journal emphasizes high-level research and education Original research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editors in the fields of Biomaterials and Medical Science are welcome. Every effort is made to have a speedy and critical peer-review process.

Manuscripts can be uploaded at: or send us an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at and


Jessica Lopez
Journal Coordinator
Biomaterials and Medical Applications

Email Id:

WhatsApp no : +44-20-3868-4024