Study of Chondroplasty


Chondroplasty is a surgical procedure used to smooth damaged cartilage in the knee. The goal of the surgery is to lessen friction in the joint, allowing the knee to move freely and without pain. The knee joint is covered in articular cartilage, which is a smooth tissue that allows the joint to move without friction. Trauma and degenerative conditions can damage the cartilage and cause it to become rough. Studies have found that the majority of patients who undergo chondroplasty are satisfied with the results of the procedure. Chondroplasty is done arthroscopically. This means that a thin instrument made up of a camera and light is inserted into the knee through a very small incision, allowing the surgeon to assess and remove the damage. Arthroscopy also allows the surgeon to look for and treat other damage in the knee at the same time. This is a minimally invasive procedure that treats the pain associated with the breakdown of the articular cartilage in the knee. Arthroscopic chondroplasty allows the surgeon to visualize the knee and identify causes of your symptoms using just a small incision or two. If more than one issue is found, they can be repaired during the same procedure. You can share your ideas & comments further at :