
Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard commonly known as Rayan/ Khirni is an evergreen tree of Western ghats (Maharashtra) India. Itbelongs to the family Sapotaceae. The fruit of this tree is edible and is available in the markets. While the bark is used in curing fever, flatulence, stomach disorder, etc. by the aboriginals. However, the said plant part is studied for the first time. The present investigation deals with the pharmacognostical studies on the stem bark of the above plant. For Pharmacognostical evaluation macroscopy, microscopy, powder study and histochemical analysis of stem bark were performed. Physicochemical constants such as ash and extractive values were determined. The powder samples were treated with various chemicals for fluorescence analysis. Physicochemical analysis showed ash values 13.5 % in which the acid insoluble ash is 1.5 % and water soluble is 11%. The preliminary phytochemical studies revealed the presence of saponin, terpenoids, anthraquinone and cardiac glycosides. TLC for saponins was also carried out using standard marker. The Rf value for both is 0.2.

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