Spine Chilling CORONA Virus

SARS Covid-19 pandemic has devastated the entire globe. As we are aware of the fact that the corona virus enters our body through the mouth, nose and ears. We are provided with only the information about the overview of the effects of the virus but not in detail. The corona affected patients who have now recovered from the condition might not be having the in detailed information of the precautionary measures to be taken to improve the health condition of their nose and throat and this may lead to further medical complications.
Being the source of an Electronic print media, the Journal of Otology and Rhinology wants to provide the readers with the complete information about the precautionary methods to be followed by the recovered SARS Covid-19 patients as well as the steps followed to not be a corona prone one. Also, we want to make people aware by providing the information about the impact and effect of SARS Covid-19 on the ear, nose and throat, the complications resulted, medication, diagnosis, treatment, etc.
Thus, with the support and guidance of the esteemed Editorial Board, the Journal office has decided to carry out the rapid publication process with a single blinded Peer Review process of the submissions received, in order to make the information reach the readers quickly.
Therefore, in this context your effort to provide the readers with quality information by your valuable submissions would be highly appreciated.
Manuscripts can be submitted at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/otology-rhinology.html or as an email attachment to editor.jor@scitechnol.com at your earliest possible by on or before 15 May 2020.
Hope you will co-operate us for this benevolent approach.