Sexual harassment : A self Loss


Sexual harassment is a type of harassment technique that relates to a sexual nature and the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from mild transgressions to sexual abuse or assault. Harassment can occur in many different social settings such as the workplace, the home, school, churches, etc. Harassers or victims may be of any gender. This type of harassment leads to severe scars. Sexual and Emotional Trauma is caused due to sexual abuse and emotional abuse of a person. Sexual abuse is also known as molestation. It means one forcing to take part in sexual activities up on another. This sexual Abuse causes a major traumatic condition in women physically and mentally. Emotional abuse is also called as psychological abuse or mental abuse. The causes for emotional abuse are humiliation, diminishing, social deprivation, excessive demands or expectations and verbal assault. Both Sexual and Emotional trauma effects a person psychologically. Sexual and emotional Trauma can lead to self-harm, sleepless ness, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders, suicidal activities, and disassociation. Taking good care of affected person can cure these disorders.

Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation is a peer reviewed journal that focuses on the advancements in the research of Traumatic sciences and its medical rehabilitation. This Journal considers almost all aspects of research related to trauma sciences, psychiatry and its rehabilitation methods from all countries.

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Subhana Quadri
Journal Coordinator
Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation
Whtasapp No: 44-20-386-84024