Scopus Indexed Journal on Nuclear Energy and Power Generation proudly announce its 9th Anniversary

Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Power Generation Technology (ISSN: 2325-9809) is delighted to announce its 8 years of glory in the year 2020. During the tenure of 8 years, it has furnished a large platform for scientists, scholars, researchers with ease in the publication process and achieved a lot of reputation among the scientific society which helps the journal to emerge as one the renowned journal in the field of nuclear science. Being an open access journal, it caters reliable and valid information from pioneers in Nuclear Science, Nuclear physics and others in the form of Case report, Original Research and Review. The Journal is liable to support their author at each and every step of publication starting from writing, editing, designing till promotions of articles.
The Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Power Generation Technology -Open Access is indexed in various reputed indexing sites such as Scopus, Publons, Chemical Abstracts Service, Journal TOC,   Crossref, Sherpa Romeo, cosmos, Index Copernicus 67.41, CiteFactor, and has an impact factor of 0.54. Except these indexing across the world, journal is liable to publish the funded research work which follows some limited set of criteria directly to PubMed with proper support.
The journal has a wide range of publications with a primary objective to provide research and applications related to Nuclear Energy and Power generation. The scope of the journal focuses on Nuclear energy science, nuclear power generation, nuclear materials, advanced nuclear reactors, reactor safety, nuclear waste management, radioactivity, atomic energy, production and control of radioisotopes and labeled compounds, electric, hydro, coal and gas-based power generation, etc.
On the occasion of stepping into 8th year in publication, we are providing a discount of 20% on the article processing charges for all the researchers across the globe and encourage the contributors across the globe to make the best use of the opportunity.
The goal of the journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Nuclear Science and generation of power. The journal follows a double-blind peer review system which helps in a proper and impartial review of the article which leads to spread liable information among the readers and supports the current and future studies in the field of nuclear science. The journal encourages research scientists, faculty, and students who are actively involved in scientific research and/or teaching at all levels, to submit their articles for intensive peer-reviewing and expedite publishing. This multidisciplinary open-access journal renders a global podium for academicians, researchers and students of the relevant disciplines to share their scientific excellence.
Best Regards
Olivia Gray
Editorial Office
Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Power Generation Technology
WhatsApp: +44 7480 724 769