Rylene and Related Diimides for Organic Electronics


 Organic electron-transporting materials are essential for the fabrication of organic p-n junctions, photovoltaic cells, n-channel fi eld-effect transistors, and complementary logic circuits. Rylene diimides are a robust, versatile class of polycyclic aromatic electron-transport materials with excellent thermal and oxidative stability, high electron affi nities, and, in many cases, high electron mobilities; they are, therefore, promising candidates for a variety of organic electronics applications. In this review, recent developments in the area of high-electron-mobility diimides based on rylenes and related aromatic cores, particularly perylene- and naphthalene-diimide-based small molecules and polymers, for application in high-performance organic fi eld-effect transistors and photovoltaic cells are summarized and analyzed. 

 Organic electron-transporting materials are essential for the fabrication of organic p-n junctions, photovoltaic cells, n-channel fi eld-effect transistors, and complementary logic circuits. Rylene diimides are a robust, versatile class of polycyclic aromatic electron-transport materials with excellent thermal and oxidative stability, high electron affi nities, and, in many cases, high electron mobilities; they are, therefore, promising candidates for a variety of organic electronics applications. In this review, recent developments in the area of high-electron-mobility diimides based on rylenes and related aromatic cores, particularly perylene- and naphthalene-diimide-based small molecules and polymers, for application in high-performance organic fi eld-effect transistors and photovoltaic cells are summarized and analyzed. 

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Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications
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