Robinow syndrome.
Robinow syndrome is an extremely rare genetic disorder characterized by short-lived dwarfism, head, facial, and external genital abnormalities, as well as vertebral segmentation. The disorder was first described by human geneticist Meinhard Robinow in 1969. There are two types of condition, dominant and recessive, of which the former is more severe. Patients with a dominant variant frequently suffer significantly from the symptoms described above. Recessive cases, on the other hand, are typically more visually marked, and people may have more skeletal anomalies. The syndrome is also known as Robinow-Silverman-Smith Syndrome, Robinow Dwarfism, Fetal Face Syndrome, Fetal Facial Syndrome, Acral Dysostosis with Facial and Genital Abnormalities, or Mesomal Dwarfism-Small Genital Syndrome. Share your comments on topic Email us: Submit your submission through direct online link: For more information visit our website: We accept more than one paper for one author you can also go for membership.