Principles of health economics

Health Economics: 1 - Principles of Health Economics
From a Public Health point of view, health economics is just one of many disciplines that may be used to analyse issues of health and health care, specifically as one of the set of analytical methods labelled Health Services Research. But from an economics point of view, health economics is simply one of many topics to which economic principles and methods can be applied. So, in describing the principles of health economics, we are really setting out the principles of economics and how they might be interpreted in the context of health and health care. As Morris, Devlin Parkin and Spencer (2012) put it: Health economics is the application of economic theory, models and empirical techniques to the analysis of decision-making by individuals, health care providers and governments with respect to health and health care.
There are many different definitions of economics, but a definition given in a popular introductory textbook (Begg, Fischer and Dornbusch, 2005) is instructive: The study of how society decides what, how and for whom to produce. In analysing these issues, health economics attempts to apply the same analytical methods that would be applied to any good or service that the economy produces. However, it also always asks if the issues are different in health care.
1.1 Production, resources, scarcity and opportunity cost
The definition of economics above includes the term to produce, emphasising that economics deals with both health and health care as a good or service that is manufactured, or produced. All production requires the use of resources such as raw materials and labour, and we can regard production as a process by which these resources are transformed into goods:
The inputs to this productive process are resources such as personnel (often referred to as labour), equipment and buildings (often referred to as capital), land and raw materials. The output of a process using health care inputs, such as health care professionals, therapeutic materials and clinics, could be an amount of health care of a given quality that is provided, for example. How inputs are converted into outputs may be affected by other mediating factors, for example the environment in which production takes place, such as whether the clinic is publicly or privately owned.
A key observation of economics is that resources are known to be limited in quantity at a point in time, but there are no known bounds on the quantity of outputs that is desired. This both acts as the fundamental driving force for economic activity and explains why health and health care can and should be considered like other goods. This issue, known as the problem of scarcity of resources means that choices must be made about what goods are produced, how they are to be produced and who will consume them. Another way to view this is that we cannot have all of the goods that we want, and in choosing the goods that we will have, we have to trade off one good for another.
The term economic goods is sometimes used to describe goods and services for which economic analysis is deemed to be relevant. These are defined as goods or services that are scarce relative to our wants for them. Health care is such an economic good: first, because the resources used to provide it are finite and we can only use more of these resources to create health care if we divert them from other uses; and secondly, because society’s wants for health care, that is what society would consume in the absence of constraints on its ability to pay for it, have no known bounds. Nowhere in the world is there a health care system that devotes enough resources to health care to meet all of its citizens’ wants.
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