Pre-Hospital Simulation Training Platforms
The Need for Pre-Hospital Simulation Training Platforms in Battlefield Medicine: Medical evacuation strategies and tactics to provide seamless point of injury/care and en route patient care for wounded war-fighters is a challenge. Having highly trained medical personal that can rapidly and correctly triage patients by determining who requires immediate need of stabilizing interventions from those that do not requires systematic training to implement appropriate treatment intervention. A smart, flexible training platform can allow for the incorporation of a student's experience and skill level and apply it to simulation training in the areas of triage, TCCC, PFC and medical evacuation. The development of a standardized, accessible simulation training platform system can alleviate medical errors and stress levels in medical providers and improve patient rehabilitation.
Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation is a peer reviewed journal that focuses on the advancements in the research of Traumatic sciences and its medical rehabilitation.
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Subhana Quadri
Journal Coordinator
Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation
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