Power Electronics Converters for Wind Turbine Systems

Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications is an open access, peer- reviewed, scientific journal aims to publish different formats of high quality literary works such as research articles, reviews, abstracts, commentaries, book reviews, rapid communications, letters to the editor, annual meeting abstracts, conference proceedings, case-reports, discussions, meeting-reports and news. Our Journal aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to present novel, unpublished research and recent developments in the area of Industrial Electronics and its applications.
The Journal focuses on multilevel converters, power electronic conversion, renewable energy, semiconductor device reliability, and wind energy.The steady growth of installed wind power together with the up scaling of the single wind turbine power capability has pushed the research and development of power converters toward full-scale power conversion, lowered cost pr kW, increased power density, and also the need for higher reliability. In this paper, power converter technologies are reviewed with focus on existing ones and on those that have potential for higher power but which have not been yet adopted due to the important risk associated with the high-power industry. The power converters are classified into single- and multicellular topologies, in the latter case with attention to series connection and parallel connection either electrical or magnetic ones (multiphase/windings machines/transformers). It is concluded that as the power level increases in wind turbines, medium-voltage power converters will be a dominant power converter configuration, but continuously cost and reliability are important issues to be addressed.
The journal follows the Editorial Manager System for quality in the review process. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications or outside experts; Authors may submit manuscripts online / through mail id: induselcetron@peerjournal.org and track their progress through the online tracking system, hopefully to publication.
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Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications
Email: induselcetron@peerjournal.org