Power Electronic Systems for the Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: a Survey


Power Electronic Systems for the Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: a Survey

The Journal focuses on the Power Electronic systems which is the engineering study of converting electrical power from one form to another. At a world-wide average rate of 12 billion kilowatts every hour of every day of every year, more than 80% of the power generated is being reprocessed or recycled through some form of power electronic systems. A lot of energy is wasted during this power conversion process due to low power conversion efficiency. It is estimated that the power wasted in desktop PCs sold in one year is equivalent to seventeen 500MW power plants! It is therefore very important to improve the efficiency of these power conversion systems. It is estimated that with the widespread use of efficient and cost-effective power electronics technology, the world could see a 35% reduction in energy consumption.

The use of distributed energy resources (DER) is increasingly being pursued as a supplement and an alternative to large conventional central power stations. The specification of a power electronics interface is subject to requirements related not only to the renewable energy source itself but also to its effects on power system operation, especially where the intermittent energy source constitutes a significant part of the total system capacity. In this paper, new trends in power electronics for the integration of wind and photovoltaic power generators are presented. A review of appropriate storage systems technology used for the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources is also introduced. Discussions about common and future trends in renewable energy systems based on reliability and maturity of each technology are presented.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Editorial Manager

Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications
Email: industrialelect@peerreviewedjournal.org