Photocatalytic removal of Pb ions from aqueous solution using Fe2 O3 doped in G-C3 N4 nanocomposite under visible light


The Journal focuses on g-C3 N4, Fe2 O3, photocatalytic reduction, Pb ion, Synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3 N4), Photocatalytic activity. Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a family of carbon nitride compounds with a general formula near to C3N4 and two major substructures based on heptazine and poly units which, depending on reaction conditions, exhibit different degrees of condensation, properties and reactivities. Iron oxide or ferric oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula Fe₂ O₃. Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 has been intensively investigated in hopes to reduce the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and to produce C-neutral fuels utilizing sustainable sunlight. The photocatalytic performance of g-C3 N4 and Fe2 O3 doped on g-C3 N4 nanocomposites was studied by measuring its photocatalytic reduction of Pb ion under visible light. A pyrolysis technique of urea and dicyandiamide in an air atmosphere was used to prepare graphitic carbon nitride.

A pyrolysis technique of urea and dicyandiamide in an air atmosphere was used to prepare graphitic carbon nitride, and a modified precipitation technique was used to prepare Fe2 O3 doped on g-C3 N4 nanocomposites. Different techniques, such as UV-Vis, XPS, FT-IR, XRD, PL and BET surface area, were used to characterize the prepared materials. The results reveal that the wt % of Fe2 O3 plays an important role in the control band gap of Fe2 O3 doped on g-C3 N4 nanocomposite. The photocatalytic performance of g-C3 N4 and Fe2 O3 doped on g-C3 N4 nanocomposite was studied by measuring its photocatalytic reduction of Pb ions under visible light. Photocatalytic parameters such as the wt% of Fe2 O3, photo catalyst dose and Pb ion concentration were also studied. The photocatalytic activity of doped on g-C3 N4 is smaller than that of Fe2 O3 doped on g-C3 N4 nanocomposites. This can be attributed to the fact that the addition of Fe2 O3 to dope on g-C3 N4 decreases the electron-hole recombination rate and shifts the absorption of pg-C3 N4 to a higher wavelength or alternatively due to the transfer of electrons between doped on g-C3 N4 and Fe2 O3.

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Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications