Phenylketonuria in babies and adults


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disease inherited from the parents of a person. This is due to mutations in the PAH gene resulting in low levels of the phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme. This results in dietary phenylalanine rising to potentially harmful levels. It is autosomal recessive, indicating that for the disease to evolve, both copies of the gene have to be mutated. There are two main forms, classic PKU and variant PKU, depending on whether any enzyme activity remains. Those with one copy of the mutated gene usually have no symptoms. Babies should have a special formula with a small amount of breast milk. People diagnosed early and who have a healthy diet can have good health and a long life span. Males and females are similarly affected. Share your comments on topic Email us: Submit your submission through direct online link: For more information visit our website: We accept more than one paper for one author you can also go for membership.