
Papanicolaou test also known as Pap test/cervical screening/smear test is a method of cervical screening used to detect precancerous or cancerous conditions in the cervix(opening of uterus). The test was independently invented in the 1920s by Dr. Georgios Papanikolaou.

A Pap smear is performed by opening the vaginal canal with a speculum and collecting cells at the outer opening of the cervix. The collected cells are examined under a microscope to look for abnormalities. The test aims to detect potentially precancerous changes caused by human papillomavirus (a sexually transmitted DNA virus). The test may also detect infections and abnormalities in the endocervix and endometrium

Pap smear screening is not recommended in non-sexually active females. American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and others recommend starting screening at age 21, Many other countries wait until age 25 or later to start screening

The Pap test, when combined with a regular program of screening and appropriate follow-up, can reduce cervical cancer deaths by up to 80%.

Archives of Clinical Pathology is an open access journal, successfully publishing articles related to the topics of pathology like Pap test for HPV detection which is mostly recommended for the detection of cervical cancer. Journal is accepting articles for the upcoming 2020 issue and is inviting scientists to associate with the journal.

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Katherine Gray| Managing Editor

Archives of Clinical Pathology

40 Bloomsbury Way, Lower Ground Floor, London, United Kingdom