Outcome and resource utilization in gastroenterological surgery


A small minority of patients undergoing gastroenterological surgery are at high risk for postoperative complications, which may lead to prolonged hospital stay, disproportionate use of resources and increased mortality. The nature and frequency of, and predictive factors for, postoperative complications were studied and the impact of complications on resource utilization was assessed. A prospective observational study was undertaken of 503 patients undergoing gastroenterological surgery in a tertiary care centre. The incidence of cardiorespiratory, infective and surgical complications was assessed. The need for reoperation, intensive care and length of hospital stay, readmission, death at 6 months and costs were evaluated. Some 235 patients (47 per cent) had at least one complication, most commonly delayed oral intake (n = 70). Complications were associated with cardiovascular disease, prolonged operation, high Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity, and increased number of Shoemaker's criteria. The length of hospital stay of patients with complications was longer than that of those without complications (11 versus 6 days). Morbidity resulted in a twofold increase in median costs. High-risk patients could be identified by simple clinical criteria, although the commonly used risk criteria were not very sensitive. A reduction in postoperative complication rates would result in marked cost savings.

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Research and Reports in Gastroentrology