Optical properties of graphene oxide-coated tellurite glass for potential fiber optics

Optical properties of graphene oxide-coated tellurite glass for potential fiber optics
In this work, we synthesize graphene oxide (GO)-coated tellurite glass for the improved optical performance of fiber optics. A series of tellurite glass system with composition of {[(TeO2)0.7 (B2O3)0.3]0.7 (ZnO) 0.3}1-y (Er2O3) y where y (mol%) = 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04and 0.05 mol% was successfully fabricated and coated with GO by using melt-quenching and spray coating methods. The structural properties were characterized by using XRD analysis and FESEM. The XRD patterns indicated that the tellurite glass were amorphous. The FTIR transmissions images revealed the surface morphology of GO on the glass surface. The optical band gap energy was found enhanced from 3.392 to 3.495 eV. The refractive index was found improved from 2.275 to 2.299 with the existence of GO. Hence, these results were useful for the application of fiber optics.
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