New British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Barrett’s oesophagus


The main changes in the recommended guidelines for the management of Barrett’s oesophagus by the British Society of Gastroenterology are highlighted, together with their value in the context of the numerous other guidelines and manuscripts that are already available. The working party of the BSG has recently produced a document updating recommended guidelines for the management of Barrett’s oesophagus (BO). In this article, the main changes in recommendations are highlighted and their value in the context of the numerous other guidelines and manuscripts that are already available are discussed. BO is defined as an endoscopically apparent area above the oesophagogastric junction that is suggestive of Barrett’s which is supported by the finding of columnar lined oesophagus on histology. The presence of areas of intestinal metaplasia (IM), although often present, is not a requirement for diagnosis. For patients with BO but without dysplasia, the recommended surveillance protocols are two yearly, four quadrant biopsies every 2 cm, but jumbo biopsies are not required.

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Research and Reports in Gastroentrology