Model-Driven Development of Reconï¬Âgurable Mechatronic Systems with MECHATRONIC UML

Today, advanced technical systems are complex, reconï¬Âgurable mechatronic systems where most control and reconï¬Âguration functionality isrealized in software. A number of requirements have to be satisï¬Âed in order to apply the model-driven development approach and the UML for mechatronic systems: The UML design models must support the speciï¬Âcation of the required hard real-time event processing. The real-time coordination in the UML models must embed the continuous control behavior in form of feedback-controllers to allow for the speciï¬Âcation of discrete and continuous hybrid systems. Advanced solutions further require the dynamic exchange of feedback controllers at runtime (reconï¬Âguration). Thus, a modeling of rather complex interplays between the information processing and the control is essential. Due to the safety-critical character of mechatronic systems, the resulting UML models of complex, distributed systems and their real-time behavior must be veriï¬Âable in spite of the complex structure and the embedded reconï¬Âgurable control elements. Finally, an automaticcodesynthesishastomapthespeciï¬Âcationcorrectlytocode.Inthispaper, we will present our MECHATRONIC UML approach, which fulï¬Âlls all these requirements. The approach is motivated and illustrated by means of a running example.
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