Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in a Mixed Population: Are Girls at a Higher Risk?

Journal of Endocrinology & Diabetes Research (ISSN: 2470-7570): is Bi-annual journal is going to release its special issue in the month of January during coming of New Year 2020. Since its inception in the year 2015, the journal has been publishing several scholarly articles and International conference proceedings.
The editorial team of the journal is planning to compile a special issue based research activities in Endocrinology. The title of the upcoming special issue is Endocrinology & Diabetes Research which is scheduled to be released by January 2020.
We studied the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adolescents with T1 Diabetes in a mixed population. Overall prevalence was 10.5%, all female. Late puberty, overweight, and obesity were other associated risk factors. These results suggest that obese adolescent girls with T1D are at a higher risk of metabolic syndrome.
MetS: Metabolic Syndrome; NoMetS: Without Metabolic Syndrome; DM1: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; F: Female; M: Male; Hba1c: Glycosylated Hemoglobin; IDF: International Diabetes Federation
The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adolescents with T1D in a mixed population and to identify possible associated risk factors.
The journal expresses gratitude to the whole editorial board members especially to Editor-in-Chief and Executive Editors for their professional execution and effort towards the journal growth and increase the viewers and readers across the world.
The journal offers this opportunity to the researchers and scientists to publish in the mode of original research, case reports, review articles, short communications, editorials and expert opinions on diverse aspects of Endocrinology & Diabetes.
Kindly ensure to submit your contributions by 27th February, 2019 in order to enable us process the article for publication in the current year itself. Submissions after the due date are considered for the next issue.
Submit your article Email: (or) and online
With Best Regards,
Alina Grace
Endocrinology & Diabetes Research