Medical Instrumentation

A medical device is an instrument, apparatus, implant, in vitro reagent, or similar that is used to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease or other conditions. A medical device is an instrument, apparatus, implant, in vitro reagent, or similar or related article that is used to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease or other conditions, and does not achieve its purposes through chemical action within or on the body. Diagnosis and therapy depend heavily on the use of medical instrumentation. The invention, prototype design, product development, clinical testing, regulatory approval, manufacturing, marketing, and sale of a new medical instrument add up a complex, expensive, and lengthy process.
Biomedical Instrumentation is an application of biomedical engineering, which focuses on the devices and mechanics used to measure, evaluate, and treat biological systems. It focuses on the use of multiple sensors to monitor physiological characteristics of a human or animal. Such instrumentation originated as a necessity to constantly monitor vital signs of Astronauts during NASA's Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions
Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis welcomes submissions with in the field of Disease Diagnosis, Medical Conditions & Diseases, Diagnostic Techniques, Biomedical Informatics,Laboratory Tests,Diagnostic Tests etc. Unsolicited manuscripts including research articles, reviews, commentaries, opinion articles, short communications, editorials, Letter to Editor, and others will also be considered for publication and should be submitted either online or through the mail.
Manuscripts with relevance to the scope can be submitted to our Email: (or) Online Submission
Author Information: Complete names and affiliation of all authors, including contact details of corresponding author (Telephone, Fax and E-mail address).
Katherine Gray
Editorial Coordinator
Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis
WhatsApp: +44-151-808-0171