Managing money: Challenges and solutions


“As adults we are expected to have effective money management skills. But where have we learned these skills? While they are essential for effective functioning in modern society, in Ireland they are not taught at school. It is also widely publicised that many people who experience financial difficulties become isolated due to being ashamed about their situations. Perhaps money management education will be a vehicle to normalising money management and debt discussions, while also providing our citizens with life skills and capabilities. Money management education is one of the key tasks of the State’s Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS). In addition to that, we also offer free, independent, confidential and non-judgmental service to our clients. Most of them are over-indebted, living with low income or low disposable income. During my career with MABS, I have been very active in money management education, engaging with community groups, schools and prisons. The aim is educating people in essential practical budgeting skills and money management so that day-to-day expenses can be met and debts can be repaid. In our approach, money management is seen as a life skill. Our money management education has its roots in community education and is based on participative or experiential learning. This is most effective in small groups that enable group learning and affirmation. MABS has evolved very inclusively in money management education, with programmes designed for and with vulnerable and marginalised groups. When working with adult learners we must be cognisant of the very sensitive and personal nature of the context of money management. It is important to create a safe, trusted and supported learning environment for all learners. Moving to online delivery has created a new barrier for the more marginalised in society, who are perhaps those in most need of these skills and education support.”

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