Laser Optics


Laser Optics are used in a wide range of laser instrumentation or laser applications, including beam steering or material processing. Laser Optics use specific substrates, coatings, or a combination of the two to provide superior performance at specific laser wavelengths or over a range of wavelengths. Many Laser Optics feature laser damage thresholds designed for pulsed or CW lasers. Using a Laser Optic that has a lower laser damage threshold than what the laser requires can lead to damaging the Optical Component.

Edmund Optics offers a wide variety of Laser Optics, including Laser Lenses, Laser Mirrors, Laser Filters, along with a variety of other components designed for laser use. Laser Lenses are designed to focus, homogenize, or shape laser beams. Laser Mirrors are ideal for beam steering applications. Laser Filters transmit or reflect a portion of the laser light. Laser Windows are used to transmit designated wavelengths or protect sensitive components or work areas from stray light.

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