Journal of Physics Research and Application invites you for the submission of Manuscript!

Journal of Physics Research and Application Wishes you a very successful year full of good deals.
Journal of Physics Research and Application is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scholarly journal aims to publish reliable source of scientific information on Physics Research and applied fields. The Journal aims to provide platform for the researchers, expertise in physics sciences disciplines, for disseminating experimental and theoretical reports reporting the progress of Physics Research and its advancing significant interdisciplinary applications.
The journal accepts almost all types of write-ups like research articles, review, case reports, commentary, letter to editor, mini review, opinion, short communication, book review, editorials etc. in the field of recent developments in physical science technology.
Articles can be submitted online or mail to:
Your acknowledgement and response is highly appreciated. Please contact us for any further query or assistance in this regard.
We wish you all success for your on-going research works and future aspires. Feel free to contact us for any further details.
Thanks & Regards,
Subhana Quadri
Journal Coordinator
Journal of Physics Research and Application
Whtasapp No: 44-20-386-84024