Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic Reports



Journal of Genetics Disorder & Genetic Reports is a peer reviewed journal strives to publish high quality articles on emerging developments and supports current research in the field of genetic disease and genomes.

As our journal has completed 10 years we are celebrating 10th anniversary we have announced almost 50 percent discount on article processing charge to commemorate its 10th Anniversary so we are inviting eminent researches, fellow-mans, science students, scientists for the submission of their valuable, innovative articles which would be helpful to our journal publication in forth coming issue (volume 9, issue 1).

The Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic Reports provides a forum for scientists, scholars, academicians, researchers, and students by an Open access platform for publishing their work in the emerging field of genetics.

This journal accepts articles from a broad variety of disciplines, such as Mutations, Chromosomes, Genes and DNA variations, Chromosomal Syndromes, Environmental genetics, DNA Repair, Gene Therapy, Molecular Genetics, Medical Genetics, Genetic Medicine, Chromosomal Syndromes, Chromosomal Abnormalities, Bioinformatics.

We would like to invite eminent researches to write a paper or short commentaries on the below discussed topics which would be helpful for the readers for their information

Submit manuscript either through email or 

To have a glance at the full length manuscript, you can visit us at our archive page and Currently, Journal’s Archive is holding not only normal issues but also focusing on special issues. The purpose of special issues is to publish the most exciting research with respect to the subjects of Genetic Disorders & Genetic Reports and to provide a rapid turn-around time regarding reviewing and publishing and to publicize the articles freely for research, teaching and reference purposes.

Thanks and Regards,

Jessica Lopez
Editorial Assistant
Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic Reports

Email Id:

WhatsApp no.: +44-20-3868-4024