Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational Biology shows the Gratitude towards their Editorial Board Members for the Continuous Support


Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational Biology celebrates its eighth anniversary in the field of scientific community with the extensive support of researchers, scholars and many. Our journal is very glad to have the eminent researchers and professors, deans and directors as the Editorial board members.

Started the first publication in the year 2012, and emerged as one of the reputed journal which publishes the articles in the field of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.  Professors from various universities have come up for serving their editorial and peer review activity for our journal. With this we have emerged as one of the best journal in the field of Bioinformatics and also the quality maintained journal in the SciTechnol. SciTechnol has more than 100 journals with it and at emerging it had 40 + journals out of which Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational Biology said to be the one amongst them.

Our Journal is not précised to the mentioned topics but also explored in the areas of Algorithms and Programming, Database Management, Biostatistics, Artificial Neural Networks, Data Visualisation and many more. Journal has released its eighth volume in the year 2018.

Journal of Bioinformatics & Computational Biology has the support of expertise members as their editorial board members; we will try to en cover few of them, Jixiang Wu as Editor in chief from South Dakota State University, USA and who is expertise in Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding, has yielded the positive results in doing justification for the received manuscripts and not restricted to him the others Laurel Sillerud who is an eminent from Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of New Mexico, USA is also active in setting the final disposition for the received manuscripts.


Journal is listed in Pubmed with LCCN: 2013202770 and with NLM as 101669877, moreover it is indexed in Sherpa Romeo, IIJIF, Journal TOCS, and COS with an ICV value of 74.44 as per the 2017 records.  It has dual platform where an author can go with subscription and Open access mode of publication and this is considered to be the most opted method of publication where an author can opt either subscription or open access mode of publication.

We are very delighted to announce the submissions for research contribution by the researchers towards scientific researcher’s community. Submission can be sent through Online portal or via E-mail:

Best Regards,
James Alan
Editorial Coordinator
Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
SciTechnol, UK
WhatsApp number: +1 850 754 6199