Informatics and Data Science in Medical Imaging


Journal of Clinical & Experimental Radiology (JCER) is a peer reviewed Open Access journal that publishes latest advancements and innovations in the field of Clinical radiology and its impact on healthcare practices.

The Journal aims to provide a forum for widespread dispersal of research in diagnostic and therapeutic Radiology and Imaging Science covering all the research areas of Medical Imaging Studies that encompasses:

Big data is an evolving topic of research in recent years and provides much promise in all fields, including medicine and radiology. The purpose of this literature review is to define big data, and discuss its relevance to medical imaging informatics. Relevant imaging informatics concepts and tools, such as data mining and various types of artificial intelligence will also be discussed. Literature surveyed showed two distinct types of articles; general review-type articles, and other articles discussing ideas expanding on themes and potential applications.

Furthermore, the latter category provides very specific research examples examining problems on a range of issues. Potential applications of big data solutions will be discussed through multiple avenues, including its effect on treatment and diagnosis processes, research, education, and population study applications. Departmental efficiency, cost reduction, as well as its effect on safety in the radiology department will also be discussed.

The future of big data applications was found to be very promising, however the utilisation of these solutions have a long way to go, before they find practical applications in clinical centres.

Keywords: Big data; Medical imaging; Radiology informatics; Imaging informatics

Over multiple decades, hospital and medical information has been converted from an analogue, offline infrastructure, to a digital online format leading to the creation of multiple electronic data sets. Reports from physicians in every department are stored as Electronic Medical Records (EMR), which can comprise of serology and immunology results and DNA tests, just to name a few.

 A patient’s complete journey from admission, to their discharge can be traced electronically. Much of this information is uploaded to the hospital intranet or online servers, thus making an abundance of information available to an array of personnel.

A standard editorial manager system is utilized for manuscript submission, review, editorial processing and tracking which can be securely accessed by the authors, reviewers and editors for monitoring and tracking the article processing. Manuscripts can be uploaded online at Editorial Tracking System or as an email attachment to