Hydrogen bonding in different atoms.


Hydrogen bonds may be intermolecular i.e. available between different molecules or intramolecular i.e. available between sections of the same molecule. The energy of a hydrogen bond may vary between 1 and 40 kcal / mol depending on the nature of the donor and acceptor atoms which constitute the bond, its geometry, and the environment. It makes them somewhat stronger than a van der Waals interaction, and weaker than complete ionic or covalent bonds. This bond form can occur in inorganic molecules such as water and organic molecules such as DNA and proteins. The hydrogen bond is responsible for many of the physical and chemical anomalous properties of the N, O, and F compounds. In particular, the high boiling point of water (100 ° C) is responsible for intermolecular hydrogen bonding compared to the other category of 16 hydrides which have much weaker hydrogen bonds. Comment your views through Email: chemengineerapp@scitecjournals.com We are accepting Submission regarding the chemistry field directly online https://www.scitechnol.com/submission/ For more information check our website https://www.scitechnol.com/ you can also apply for membership or subscription.