How the Metamaterials finds it’s application in chemical Engineering?

Metamaterials, artificial composite structures with exotic material properties, have emerged as a new frontier of science involving physics, material science, engineering and chemistry. A Survey reported that the future research regarding metamaterials focusses on invention of three-dimensional optical metamaterials, nonlinear metamaterials and “quantum” perspectives of metamaterials, creating a new directional separation technique that cloaks one compound while concentrating the other. It is said to believe that manipulating mass transfer using metamaterials could help reduce the energy required for certain chemical and biomolecular processes. The proposed technique would use specially-patterned polymeric materials to direct the flow of atoms by taking advantage of their specific physical properties. A detailed explanation for how the technique could be used to separate a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen - by cloaking the nitrogen and concentrating the oxygen - was also reported in one of the reputed journal. Also, few expertise scientists claim that, By manipulating the physical properties and by designing the diffusivity of the metamaterials, we can make the atoms of one compound go one way, and the atoms of another compound go a different way. A Metamaterial have been evaluated using computational techniques, and plan to build a prototype separation device soon. The work could have applications in such areas as chemical manufacturing, crystal growth of semiconductors, waste recovery of biological solutes or chemicals, and production of artificial kidneys.
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