Gravity is a Myth


For the first time in human history, you will learn about the accretion law of the gravity force in the quantum mechanics structure of the atom, versus the belief in an external force where a body of mass is the creator of gravity. This paper presents the unprecedented theory that gravity is inside the hadron that supplies all the gravity and unification among all the elements in the Universe. By knowing the principles of quantum mechanics, it assures that you will understand how easy it is to discard the majority of beliefs of a mechanical universe, not only the Big Bang theory but also the mechanical gravity theories of Newton and Einstein, and replace these theories with quantum mechanics gravity in the atom.

The theory of gravity has been around for over three hundred years. From Newton to Einstein we have believed this theory that gravity is an internal force of mass, i.e., Mass creates Gravity. However, no one has ever truly understood this force, nor have they proven its existence.

Theoretically, one of the four forces in the Big Bang theory is gravity, which first has a hand in creating mass in the Universe and then it becomes dependent on mass to create the gravity; it does not make scientific sense and no one seems to know where this force is actually coming from.

As an airplane runs for take-off, it does not fight with gravity to get off the ground. It is fighting with oxygen or the atmosphere to lift its own weight off the ground.

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