Generation of tunable wavelength coherent states and heralded single photons for quantum optics applications

Generation of tunable wavelength coherent states and heralded single photons for quantum optics applications
Quantum optics experiments frequently involve interfering single photons and coherent states. In the case of multi-photon experiments this requires all photons to be frequency degenerate. We report a simple and practical approach to generate coherent states that can be readily tuned to any wavelength required, for example by non-degenerate photon pair creation. We demonstrate this by performing a two-photon (Hong–Ou–Mandel) interference experiment between a coherent state and a pure heralded single photon source. Neither interfering photon passes through a spectral filter, the coherent state is constrained by the pump and seed lasers and the heralded photon exploits non-local filtering. We expect that such an approach can find a wide range of applications in photonic based quantum information science.
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