Free radicals benefit and harms.
Category: Engineering Title: Free radicals benefit and harms. Author: Veronica Description: A radical, in chemistry, is an atom, molecule, or ion with an unpaired valence electron. Such unpaired electrons, with certain exceptions, make radicals extremely chemically reactive. Most radicals dimerize spontaneously. Many organic radicals undergo short lifetimes. Radicals in combustion, atmospheric chemistry, polymerization, plasma chemistry, biochemistry, and many other chemical processes are significant. The radical-generating enzymes produce a significant fraction of natural products. The superoxide and nitric oxide radicals and their reaction products regulate many processes in living organisms, such as regulation of vascular speech, and therefore blood pressure. They also play an important role in the intermediate metabolism of different biological compounds. Also messengers may be such radicals in a cycle called redox signaling. A radical can be trapped within or otherwise bound in a solvent cage. Comment your views through Email: We are accepting Submission regarding the chemistry field directly online For more information check our website you can also apply for membership or subscription. Image: