Fatal intoxication due to Tramadol alone Case report and review of the literature


The Journal focuses on Tramadol, Liver failure, Poisoning, Intoxication, Overdose, Post-mortem. Tramadol is an opioid pain medication used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain. When taken by mouth in an immediate-release formulation, the onset of pain relief usually begins within an hour. Liver failure is a life-threatening condition that demands urgent medical care. Poisoning is a condition in which an organism becomes chemically harmed severely (poisoned) by a toxic substance or venom of an animal. Intoxication is a disturbance in behaviours or mental function during or after alcohol consumption. Overdose happens when a toxic amount of a drug or combination of drugs overwhelms the body. A post-mortem is the examination of a body after death. The aim of a post-mortem is to determine the cause of death. It is also known as an Autopsy.

Poisoning may also lead to both coma and multiple organ failure, also in youngsters without a known major medical history. As not all toxic agents are routinely screened when a poisoning is suspected, it is useful to consider less frequently encountered poisons in certain cases. We describe the occurrence of a systole and multiple organ failure which occurred in a young man after a suspected tramadol overdose. The tramadol concentration on admission in the ICU was indeed 8 mg/ml (mg/l), far above the therapeutic range. Subsequently, the patient developed severe acute liver failure, finally leading to death. Post-mortem toxicology did not reveal any other poison responsible for this unfavorable course as only very high serum and tissue tramadol and des-methyl-tramadol concentrations were found.

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Editorial Manager

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs
Email: editor.jpsed@peerjournal.org