Every contact leaves a trace:


Forensic genetics gradually emerged and developed through long-term social practice. French criminologist Edmond Locard stated that “every contact leaves a trace”. One of the central aspects of forensic genetics is the use of genetic markers, which are the easily identifiable phenotypes of genotypes. Genetic markers generally have features such as strong polymorphisms, codominant expression and ease of observation and recording. With the development of genetics, the use of genetic markers has also developed steadily. To date, the development of genetic markers has gone through four major stages characterized by the use of morphological markers, cytological markers, biochemical markers and molecular markers. In particular, this present special issue provides an introduction to the application and development for molecular markers in forensic areas.

The rapid development of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) has attracted widespread attention among forensic genetics researchers. Apart from DNA-level genetic markers, RNA-level genetic markers have also become a new type of marker and research hotspot in forensic genetics. In summary, the application of genetic markers has advanced in pace with the scientific knowledge and technological capabilities, which has expanded and changed the scope of forensic genetics research. From the dual perspectives of the development of genetic markers and their applications, the papers in this special issue explain that forensic genetics research is no longer limited to DNA-level markers but also includes RNA-level and protein-level markers, it has steadily branched out into areas such as forensic clinical medicine, forensic pathology and forensic psychiatry, yielding many new findings and applications. Forensic genetics falls under the scope of Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology

Best Regards

Katherine Gray
Editorial Coordinator
Journal of Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology
SciTechnol Journals