Emerging drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumour

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have transformed the treatment landscape for patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). Unfortunately, resistance to the currently approved TKIs poses a huge challenge, and patients are in need of additional therapeutic options. Fortunately, many novel therapeutic approaches are being tested in treatment of GIST to overcome resistance to the approved TKIs. We performed an extensive literature (PUBMED) search to identify emerging drugs being tested in treatment of GIST in early phase clinical trials. We discuss recent ongoing research and emerging novel inhibitors of KIT and PDGFRA receptors, inhibitors in downstream signaling pathways (mTOR and PIK3 inhibitors), inhibitors of other potential targets including ETV1/MEK, MET, FGFR, IGF1R, histone deacetylase inhibitors, heat shock protein 90 inhibitors, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors and immune checkpoint inhibitors in treatment of GIST. Multiple agents are under evaluation; those that benefit GIST patients with imatinib resistant mutations, or those with benefit in patients refractory to approved agents are most likely to be developed in this disease. The role of immunotherapy for GIST is still investigational.
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs
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