Emerging drugs for migraine treatment: an update


Migraine is a very frequent and disabling neurological disorder. The current treatment options are old, generally poorly tolerated and not migraine-specific, reflecting the low priority of migraine research and highlighting the vast unmet need in its management. Advancement in the understanding of migraine pathophysiological mechanisms and identification of novel potentially meaningful targets have resulted in a multitude of emerging acute and preventive treatments. Here we review the known putative migraine pathophysiological mechanisms in order to understand the rationale of the most promising novel treatments targeting the Calcitonin-Gene-Related Peptide receptor and ligand and the 5 hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)1F receptor. Key findings on the phase II and phase III clinical trials on these treatments will be summarized. Furthermore, a critical analysis on failed trials of potentially meaningful targets such the nitric oxide and the orexinergic pathways will be conducted. Future perspective will be outlined. The recent approval of Erenumab and Fremanezumab is a major milestone in the therapy of migraine since the approval of triptans. Several more studies are needed to fully understand the clinical potential, long-term safety and cost-effectiveness of these therapies. This paramount achievement should stimulate the development of further research in the migraine field.

According to the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3 (ICHD-3), subjects with at least 15 headache days of which at least eight fulfill the criteria for migraine with or without aura per month for at least three consecutive months have chronic migraine (CM) [8]. CM affects around 2–4% of the general population, with an annual incidence among people with episodic migraine is 2 · 5–3 · 0% [9]. This type of migraine is related to a higher degree of headache-related disability than episodic migraine and is commonly linked with medication overuse headache (MOH).
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