Drug Delivery Technologies


Pharmaceutical drug delivery technologies enhance drug absorption, efficacy, and patient experience. Taste maskers increase the commercial viability of your pharmaceutical products by neutralizing the strong, bitter tastes of certain oral medical formulations. Bioavailability of medications within the system can be achieved by increasing the dissolution rate with specialized drug delivery enhancement products. Enhancing the drug delivery technology of final pharmaceutical formulation can increase its commercial success. The main routes of drug delivery are oral, injection/infusion, and transdermal. Drug-eluting stents and other implantable drug delivery devices are presented, as well as externally applied devices. When combined with appropriate targeting moieties, drug-coated nanoparticles, drug-encapsulating liposomes and nanotubes, and tree-like dendrimers enable organ and tissue targeting.

The use of nanotechnology in medicine and more specifically drug delivery is set to spread rapidly. Currently many substances are under investigation for drug delivery and more specifically for cancer therapy. Interestingly pharmaceutical sciences are using nanoparticles to reduce toxicity and side effects of drugs and up to recently did not realize that carrier systems themselves may impose risks to the patient. The kind of hazards that are introduced by using nanoparticles for drug delivery are beyond that posed by conventional hazards imposed by chemicals in classical delivery matricesThese biotechnology derived drugs were formerly administered by injection alone, but today, solutions for inhaled, transdermal, and even oral delivery are available or under investigation for most established products. Nucleic acid delivery technologies , since unprotected or untargeted delivery of gene therapies or RNAi is inconceivable. We then move on to developments in transdermal delivery technology, which includes active systems where delivery is driven by microneedles or energy applied via ultrasound or lasers.

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Katherine Gray
Editorial Coordinator
Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis
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