Difference Between Oxidation and Reduction

Difference Between Oxidation and Reduction
oxidation can be defined as the loss of electrons from an atom, molecule or an ion. This loss of electrons causes the oxidation state of the chemical species to be increased. Since an oxidation reaction releases electrons, there should be an electron accepting species. Therefore, the oxidation reaction is a half reaction of a major reaction. The oxidation of a chemical species is given as the change of its oxidation states. Oxidation state is a number with positive (+) or negative (-) symbol that indicates the loss or gain of electrons by a particular atom, molecule or an ion.
Reduction can be defined as the gain of electrons from an atom, molecule or an ion. This gain of electrons causes the oxidation state of the chemical species to decrease because the reduction creates an extra negative electrical charge in atoms. In order to obtain electrons from outside, there should be an electron donating species. Therefore, the reduction is a chemical reaction that takes place during redox reactions. Reduction reaction is a half reaction.
Oxidation and reduction are the two half reactions of redox reactions. A redox reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs through the electron exchange between atoms. The main difference between oxidation and reduction is that oxidation is the increasing of oxidation state of an atom whereas reduction is the decreasing of the oxidation state of an atom.
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