Development of 45W Q-band Space Qualified TWTs


Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute (BVERI) has developed a series of Ka band space traveling wave tubes (TWTs) with saturation power of 12-100 W and efficiency of 55-63% for data transmission and communication for both conduction and radiation cooling. Recently Q-band space TWTs with conduction-cooled and space qualified are developed which are capable of delivering over 45W saturated RF power with overall efficiency exceeding 45%. This paper gives the main technical characteristics of Q-band space TWTs’ design, performances and qualification tests over 5.5 GHz bandwidth.Next-generation satellite systems need high-reliability millimeterwave amplifiers for downlink broadband communications to amplify and transfer a great deal of RF signals from routine satellite to terrestrial and satellite to satellite communications systems . With the increasingly congested Ka-band, moving to the Q-band spectrum (40 GHz downlink) is a global trend to increase data rate. Because of the excellent efficiency and reliability to compared Solid State Power- Amplifiers (SSPAs), Travelling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) are still the preferred high power RF amplifiers on board of communication satellites operating in the Q-band.

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George K,
Managing Editor
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Electronic Technology
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