Cure of Scheurmann’s Disease in an Adult Male by checking Effect of Conservative Treatment with Physiotherapy.
Scheuermann’s Disease is the developmental disorder of spine in which wedge shaped vertebrae of thoracic spine are found which leads to excessive curvature and postural abnormality that causes stiffness and pain in upper back and later compromise of respiratory functions and disability occurs. For investigation of the effect of spinal mobilization, breathing exercise and home exercises in an adolescent with Scheuermann’s Disease. The study was done on a 17 years old boy with the complaint of severe low back pain. An exercise program was given for 45 minutes for 8 weeks which included postural correction, strengthening and breathing retraining with chest expansion exercises. The changes in pain were evaluated by NRPS, muscle strength by MMT, Cobb’s angle by X-ray and functional ability was assessed by Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire.