CT image showing internal body structures


CT image showing internal body structures

Medical imaging helps to reveal internal structures hidden by the skin and bones, as well as to diagnose and treat disease CT scan is one among it. Computed tomography scan: Detailed images of internal organs are obtained by this type of sophisticated X-ray device. CT stands for computed tomography. The CT scan is also known as the CAT scan (Computerized Axial Tomography).

CT Spine is done to assess injury or abnormalities in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. CT Chest is usually performed to detect acute and chronic changes in the lungs, such as fibrosis, emphysema, and tumors. CT Urogram is evaluates the kidneys, ureters, and bladder for stones, blockages and cancers or stenosis.

Both CT and conventional x-rays take pictures of internal body structures. In conventional x-rays, the structures overlap. In an x-ray, structures of medical concern are often obscured by other organs or bones, making diagnosis difficult. During CT imaging, an x-ray tube rotates around the patient so that multiple images are collected from many angles. These images are stored in a computer that analyzes them to create a new image with the overlying structures removed.

CT images help radiologists and other physicians to identify internal structures and see their shape, size, density and texture. Benefits of CT include more effective medical management by: determining when surgeries are necessary, reducing the need for exploratory surgeries, improving cancer diagnosis and treatment, reducing the length of hospitalizations, guiding treatment of common conditions such as injury, cardiac disease and stroke, improving patient placement into appropriate areas of care, such as intensive care units.


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Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis
SciTechnol Journals